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You are here: Home Call for Applicants Call for Applicants 2016 Evaluation process

Evaluation process

The evaluation process will consists of 3 different phases:

1) Screening of the application on the basis of the four eligibility criteria.

2) Evaluation of the documentation provided by the Applicants (more information on the eligibility critera).

3) Interview: Applicants passing phases 1 and 2 will be invited for a Skype interview (more information on the eligibility criteria).

The ranking list for each project will be based on the marks obtained in phases 2 and 3. The top-ranking applicants in each list will be offered PhD positions.

The applicants will have the opportunity to appeal in case of exclusion or alleged under-evaluation. The redress procedure will cover the fulfillment of the eligibility criteria and the evaluation of the documentation provided. The redress would be brought to the attention of the evaluation committee, which would carry out the procedure timely and fairly.


Phase 2 - Evaluation of the documents provided by the applicants

Phase 3 - Interview

Contact us

For any further information please contact the INCIPIT project managers:

Marilena Rossano