Prof. Yuri Bozzi – “Somatosensory differences and neuroinflammation in genetic models of autism spectrum disorders”


IGB Seminar 10 Giugno 2024 - Bozzi

Yuri Bozzi, Ph.D.
Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMeC) – University of Trento


Sensory differences are a common feature in autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Similarly, sensory deficits have been described in mice lacking ASD-associated genes. We investigated somatosensory abnormalities in Cntnap2 and Shank3b mutant mice, two well-characterized mouse models of ASD. Our work showed that both mutant mice display impaired whisker-dependent texture discrimination accompanied by altered activity and functional connectivity of the primary somatosensory cortex. In order to better characterize the neurobiological substrates of these defects in Cntnap2 and Shank3b mutant mice, we focused on the cerebellum, a region involved in somatosensory integration and social cognition. Our work showed severe neuroinflammation in the cerebellum of both Cntnap2 and Shank3b mutants. Interestingly, cerebellar inflammation and social deficits could be rescued by an antioxidant/anti-inflammatory treatment in both Cntnap2 and Shank3b mutant mice. Our data indicate that Cntnap2 and Shank3b mutant mice are reliable models to investigate the relationship between somatosensory differences, social cognition, and neuroinflammation in ASD.

Yuri Bozzi si è laureato in Biologia all’Università di Pisa nel 1991, ed ha conseguito il dottorato in Neurobiologia presso la Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa nel 1996. Dopo quattro anni in Francia, è rientrato in Italia come ricercatore presso L’Istituto di Neuroscienze del CNR di Pisa. Si è trasferito all’Università di Trento nel 2009, dove a partire dal 2017 ricopre il ruolo di Professore Ordinario di Fisiologia presso il Centro Mente/Cervello (CIMeC). Nel mese di Ottobre 2022 è stato nominato Direttore del CIMeC. Le sue ricerche riguardano le basi neurobiologiche dell’autismo. E’ autore di più di 90 articoli su riviste internazionali e di oltre 100 presentazioni a congressi nazionali ed internazionali. Da circa 15 anni svolge intensa attività di divulgazione scientifica su tutto il territorio nazionale.

Yuri Bozzi graduated in Biology from the University of Pisa in 1991, and received his PhD in Neurobiology from the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa in 1996. After four years in France, he returned to Italy as a researcher at the CNR Institute of Neuroscience in Pisa. He moved to the University of Trento in 2009, where he has held the position of Full Professor of Physiology at the Mind/Brain Center (CIMeC) since 2017. In October 2022, he was appointed Director of the CIMeC. His research concerns the neurobiological basis of autism. He is the author of more than 90 articles in international journals and more than 100 presentations at national and international conferences. He has been engaged in intensive scientific outreach activities throughout the country for about 15 years.


Jun 10 2024


12:00 - 13:30


Sala Convegni “Roberto Vaccaro”
Via Pietro Castellino 111


Maria Giuseppina Miano
081 6132 261