Facs Facility
Flow cytometry is a powerful and efficacy technology that simultaneously allows the measurement and analysis of the morphological and optical properties of single cells or cell subsets. It quickly provides information on biological processes and variations of cell physiology. Dedicated equipment allows also to isolate and collect cells for highly selective in vitro cultures.
The IGB/IBBC-ABT FACS core is equipped with one cell sorter (BD FACS ARIA III), and 2 cell analyzers (Facs Canto II and BD Accuri C6). A wide range of applications on mouse and human derived cells are available.
Instruments & Applications

IGB and IBBC users can register on the Facility website and access the booking page using the following link: http://www.igb.cnr.it/facsfc where all instructions to prepare samples are also provided.
The staff members support the investigators in experimental design, choice of polychromatic antibody panel, data acquisition and analysis. They are trained to solve any technical problem and twice a year offer theoretical and practical free training courses to encourage users to operate independently the post-acquisition data analysis.