Informatic Core
The mission of the Information Technology (IT) Core is to provide an integrated system of computer-related products and Information Technology services, ensuring a constant and effective support for their use within IGB research programs. The services we provide aim to fulfill and meet the needs of internal and external users (researchers and administration personnel), in terms of utility, quality, reliability and cost effectiveness.
Specifically, the objectives assigned to the IT Core team include the following ones:
- to guarantee the efficient operation and the regular maintenance, under a centralized management, of the IGB information system (including both infrastructures and services);
- to organize and manage IGB data networks, ensuring their connection to the internet webnet;
- to organize and support all the IT-related operational procedures for IGB, in terms of design, implementation, management and update;
- to organize and manage the installed IT equipment at IGB;
- to develop new information services and applications for students, researchers and administration personnel;
- to ensure assistance and consulting services for teaching and scientific activities at IGB;
- to promote and provide training on topics related to informatics, communication and telematic services;
- to promote, and participate in research projects and programs, in collaboration with ITs of the other institutes of the research area of Via Pietro Castellino;
- to define, in the context of the general mission of IGB, standards and rules to guarantee appropriate levels of information security and interoperability for all the units of IGB.